[meetup-group-CEGPNcGk] Organize a WordPress Meetup!

Hi There!

My name is Courtney, I’m one of the deputies of the WordPress Community team at make.wordpress.org/community.

I’m reaching out because we’ve noticed that your WordPress Meetup group in Prishtinë has not been active.

Any member of this Meetup group can organize an event and are encouraged to do so — the more events we have at different times and in different parts of town, the more people will be able to be involved in some kind of WordPress Meetup activity. Events don’t need to be formal presentation series, they can be pretty much anything that brings together 2 or more WP people and gets them talking about WordPress. You can read more about the WP Chapter Meetup program on Make/Community.

So, from the WordPress community team, we’d like to invite to any of you who is interested in re-activating the group and to organize next Meetup(s) to step up. You can apply to be an organizer by completing the Meetup Interest Form. Please be sure to mention the name/URL of your group in your application!

If no one expresses interest in organizing by 5 April 2018, we will remove this group from the WordPress Meetup Chapter next month. For more information on this, please see the handbook page: When a Group Leaves the Chapter Program.

If you have any questions and would like to talk with a deputy of the Meetup chapter program for advice, we’ll be more than happy to help you! You can contact us at: support@wordcamp.org

Thanks, and looking forward to hearing from you!

Best Wishes,


Do not reply to this message via Meetup.com. Please complete the organizer application or send an email to support@wordcamp.org. Thanks!