Kosovo ham radio / crowdfunding questions

Hi everybody,

I recently started a crowdfunding campaign[1] to help get equipment for
the ham radio demo at OSCAL but also for future events.

I've had some questions from people:

- does the Prishtina hackerspace have any other events through the year
where you would use things like the battery or antenna mast?

- is there a radio club in Prishtina and do they have a space or can
they share the hackerspace?

- what are the prices of batteries like this in Prishtina? For example,
Varta LA60 or Varta LA105

If anybody else wants to help the crowdfunding, the best thing to do is
tell people about the blogs[1]

I'm hoping that if enough funds are raised to buy more than just one
battery, we can divide any equipment between groups in both Albania and
Kosovo so this will help everybody. It is also a good incentive for
people in more than one place to help promote the campaign and give it
critical mass.



1. https://danielpocock.com/powering-a-ham-radio-demo-oscal-2018