Category in shqip?

I would propose also to have a category in Albanian/shqip language. There might be people that don’t know English or don’t feel comfortably writing in English. Just an idea :slight_smile:


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I would rather suggest to have categories that match the groups of interest inside FLOSSK. For example why not have a discussion category (and a group) for OpenStreetMap, which is an active part of FLOSSK?
@besfortguri what do you think?

The same can be for wikipedians, translators, etc.

There is already a discussion category for the infrastructure group:

The benefit of categorizing discussions according to the groups of interest might be that a new member can scan easily the previous discussions on the topics that he is interested.

But I don’t see anything wrong with having a category “Shqip” as well, for those discussions that target only the Albanian speaking members.

My proposal was mainly for people that do not speak English and might feel more comfortable discussing in a dedicated category. +1 about the idea of having separate categories based on interests.


I agree to have a Category, most of OSM Kosovo communications are done at Telegram group, but yeah why not

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It’s not that our discussions on certain topics are very extensive so I prefer to maintain the mailing list spirit. We have an OSM-Kosovo forum run by OSMF and nobody uses that.

Agree on the shqip though so we don’t bother non-Albanian speakers. I started it as a sub-category of general, not sure if this is the best way to go.